October Employee Recognition: Elizama Ostoa

I am nominating Elizama for her proactiveness and dedication to her job. Elizama is not afraid to express her concerns and suggestions. These suggestions help us optimize production floor processes and the team’s safety.
Domingo Hernandez
Elizama Ostoa is known for her stellar dedication to everything she does. Her desire to learn has allowed her to gain new skills, including using quality equipment, collecting data from in-process inspections, pad printing, and manning injection molding machines. Over the last five years at Natech, she’s proven to always push herself to keep learning and improving.
How did you start your career in manufacturing?
I started my career knowing nothing about manufacturing processes. But I started because I was eager to learn.
What skills have you learned at Natech?
I learned a lot from the quality and production team. I learned to spot defects, read orders, and keep things clean and organized.
Elizama does an excellent job and keeps work areas tidy. She is always willing to help her colleagues.
Yolanda Hurtado
What’s your favorite part about working at Natech?
I like everything about working at Natech. I help inspect cleanliness of the products we make.
How do you feel like you’ve grown or changed at Natech?
I think that my character has changed. I’ve learned to be more responsible and consider quality in manufacturing.
Elizama expresses dedication to the organization and the products we make by exhibiting respectable attention to detail on the production floor. She is not afraid to express her feelings about issues that may arise or how a process can be improved. Several times while performing continual improvement activities on the production floor, Elizama has expressed her concerns openly, given the team suggestions, and has supported the overall improvement of distinct processes. It has always been a pleasure to work with Elizama on the production floor in my experience here at Natech.
Joe Valenti
What motivates you?
The pride that I have for my work motivates me. And my children motivate me.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to read, go to church, and spend time with my family.
I admire Elizama’s dedication to her family. She works two jobs. One time, I asked her if she had a reason for working so hard, and she showed me a picture with her young daughter and son. She said, “Because of them. I want them to become professionals and live a better life.”
Domingo Hernandez
What’s one thing that you can’t live without?
I am nothing without God. I can lack in any qualities, as long as I have His preference.
What are some traits that define you?
- Active
- Loyal
- Productive
- Cheerful
Elizama is a great operator, keeps her work area clean, and always likes to help. She is very organized, cooperative, and friendly.
Sonia Velasquez
What are your favorite Natech memories?
One day, I was going through a difficult situation. But my manager and colleagues supported me through it and even organized for us to get together.
How would you describe Natech?
Natech is an organization that is constantly growing. We’re serious with the quality of our work, products and team.